All-in-one Influencer Marketing Solution

The only tools you need for effective influencer marketing campaigns.

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Platform Features

Influencer Matching
Let our AI matching algorithm recommend Influencers that meet your criteria.
Contract Automation
Focus on your influencer campaigns and leave the contracts to the robots.
Influencer Negotiations
Save time on the back and forths that come with negotiating with influencers.
Deliverable Management
Review, accept or reject influencer deliverables at the click of a button.
Escrow Payments
Keep funds safe in your wallet until your influencer meets requirements.
Real-time Analytics
Get data on how your campaign is performing in real-time.

Discover Niche Influencers that Align

Find influencers based on their niche, demographic, race, etc.
Advanced Influencer filtering to get the exact Influencer
Target Influencers based on the location of their audience

Manage all your Influencers Effortlessly

Working with Influencers at scale can get very messy, very quickly. With Buzzbite, we make it a walk in the park.
Automate all negotiations & contracts
Influencer CRM for easy communication
Review & approve Influencer content with ease

Measure your Campaign Impact

Get real-time content performance
Measure campaign ROAS
Generate & Export Campaign reports

Create a Free Account

Sign up for a free account and experience the magic of BuzzBite

Integrated directly with all your favourite social platforms

BuzzBite integrates directly with social platforms to pull data in real-time giving you complete transparency when you need it.
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Create Free Account

Ready to launch your campaign?

Speak to one of our Influencer Marketing experts today.
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